December 3, 2007

December XTCs

Well folks, the first year of XTC-NYC is drawing to a close. We've just 2 more meetups left, tomorrow and on the 18th. We've been having some corking discussion of late (and no, not just about home brew and eurogaming) so come along and and join in!

December 2, 2007

XTC London moves

I first went to the London version of eXtreme Tuesday in early 2002, and it took place then, just as it has done for most of the last nigh on 6 years since, at 'The Old Bank of England', a cavernous Fullers pub next to the Royal Courts of Justice where Fleet Street becomes The Strand.

It was therefore somewhat of a surprise that I read today that London XTC has moved to the 'Counting House' on Cornhill, closer to the Financial District. More details from Nat Pryce here.