February 27, 2007

XTC-NYC - March 6 2007

This week we're going to The Half King at 23rd St / 10th Ave. Thanks go to Luke Melia who came up with the idea and has reserved some space (so if you can't find us, just ask for tables reserved in his name.)
  • March 6th 2007 from 6.30pm
  • The Half King, 505 West 23rd Street, New York, NY 10011
  • Map


Anonymous said...

For those not familiar with the area, the closest train stop is the 23rd Street C, E stop at 8th Avenue. Then obviously just walk west, young man (or woman).

bonniea said...

I was off in faraway Boston for the last outing; I hope there will be some familiar faces this time around =)

A.V. said...

I missed the last one.. and unfortunately may miss this one either being in faraway land of Hopewell, NJ where even cellphones have no reception :(.

Suren, please stand in for me at the bar

bonniea said...

Hey all,

I located the article I was talking about last night. Ben suggested that we post interesting articles to the blog or send it out to a mailing list. Regardless of the eventual outcome, here's the intro and a link to the article.

Situational Leadership for Agile Software Development
by Mike Cohn
- http://apln-richmond.pbwiki.com/f/SituationalLeadership.pdf

"Not all teams need the same type of leadership. This article describes the need for situational leadership and presents a model for determining the appropriate type of leadership for development teams, especially those moving toward an agile process."

"The four Readiness Levels of the situational leadership."
Level Ability Willingness
R1 | Unable | Unwilling or insecure
R2 | Unable | Willing or confident
R3 | Able | Unwilling or insecure
R4 | Able | Willing or confident