December 3, 2007

December XTCs

Well folks, the first year of XTC-NYC is drawing to a close. We've just 2 more meetups left, tomorrow and on the 18th. We've been having some corking discussion of late (and no, not just about home brew and eurogaming) so come along and and join in!


Kevin Hutson said...

Argh. Worked late tonight. I hope to make it next time. I haven't made any home brew yet :-) Maybe early in the next year.

Kevin H.

Cory Foy said...

Hi All,

I'm coming to NYC for work, and was told about XTCNYC. Definately going to try to be there - although, since I've never been to NYC before, I hope I can find it!

- Cory (foyc at cornet design dot com)

Anonymous said...

The first Tuesday of January 08 is New Years day, is it safe to assume that we won't be meeting?

Mike Roberts said...

Correct! The next XTC will be the 15th, our first birthday!